Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day

Monday, January 27 is Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day, at least according to the folks at Sealed Air Corporation, who’s founders Marc Chavannes and Al Fielding invented it 1957. (and don’t forget the perpetual bubble wrap site and The Bubble Wrap Book,).

Posted on January 25, 2003
Filed Under Uncategorized | 2 Comments


2 Responses to “Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day”

  1. John on December 29th, 2003 4:53 pm

    Check out http://www.fast-pack.com they offer Bubble Wrapin COLORS ! Yes, Purple, Blue, Red, and Lime Green !

  2. Mark on December 9th, 2004 10:34 am

    Check out this site dedicated to bubble wrap. They have the history of bubble wrap along with links to many games, videos and cartoons related to bubble wrap.

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